Allemano since 1856 until today Designing, manufacturing and selling measuring instruments
Allemano plans, manufactures, sells:
Analogue pressure gauges, digital pressure gauges, manual pressure generators, vehicles instrumentation, analogue thermometers, transducers, dynamometers, load cells, torque indicators, digital indicators, softwares.
Precision Instruments
Planning, manufacturing, selling custom-made and standard measuring instruments.
Allemano Lab offers advanced services for instruments calibration to identify qualities, defects, characteristics and error rates.
Instruments Assistance
Allemano is combustion analyzers Assistance Centre for Testo and other brands.
Instruments rental
In pursuing the primary objective of Customers’ satisfaction, Allemano S.R.L. offers, among its several services, long-term Multi-branding Instrumentation Rental, that includes calibration, all risk insurance and assistance.
Allemano Consulting is the point of reference for organizations in matter of binding legislation and voluntary regulations and for all other requests in the organisational area.